
The 12th July 2016 sees the next in the highly successful series of DataCentre Transformation Manchester (DT Manchester) events, in association with Datacentre Solutions, the University of Leeds and the Data Centre Alliance.

The Sudlows team will be at the full day event, to showcase the launch of their brand new website. The website will be a key source of all information regarding Sudlows with live social media feeds and regularly updated job postings. With a newly designed, streamlined and user friendly interface it will be an exciting new platform to showcase the latest Sudlows core services; Critical Infrastructures, Enterprise Services and Facilities Management

The event, held at The University of Manchester, is one of the biggest conferences in the North West and is the premier data centre education event in the calendar, bringing together the data centre research and design community, the data centre vendor industry and, most importantly, enterprise end users, for a collaborative information exchange.

For more information or to arrange an appointment simply call Stuart Caines on 0161 2776 6330

To register for tickets click here –