Sudlows Sponsor Data Centre Transformation 2017 Conference
Sudlows are pleased to announce its continued sponsorship of the annual Data Centre Transformation Conference on the 11th July 2017.
Held at The University of Manchester, this years sees the next in the highly successful series of Manchester (DT Manchester) events, in association with Datacentre Solutions, the University of Leeds and the Data Centre Alliance.
The Sudlows team will be at the full day event, to showcase the launch of their to showcase the latest innovative Testing and Commissioning services as part of their award winning Critical Infrastructures division.
Sudlows Testing & Commissioning team recently picked up an award for their Advanced Load Integrated Systems Testing Module (A:LIST) at the Data Centre Solutions Awards 2017.
The combination of such data centre knowledge and expertise ensures that DT Manchester is the premier data centre education event in the calendar, bringing together the data centre research and design community, the data centre vendor industry and, most importantly, enterprise end users, for a collaborative information exchange.
In 2017 we will see six Workshop sessions, covering a range of topics: Power including Power Management, Cooling, IT Energy & Availability, Business Needs & Management, Capability and Workforce Development. The workshops will be managed by a number of independent industry specialists to ensure vendor neutrality. The workshops will ensure that delegates not only earn valuable CPD accreditation points but also have an open forum to speak with their peers, academics and leading vendors and suppliers.
For more information or to arrange an appointment on the day, simply call Stuart Caines on 0161 2776 6330
To register for tickets click here: DTmanchester