Nesting swifts get a helping hand from Sudlows
Whilst undertaking a refurbishment of the data centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), Sudlows engineers took time out from their busy schedule to assist with the installation of three swift boxes on the hospital grounds to provide a safe nesting site for these increasingly rare birds.
The boxes were donated by local wildlife garden specialist CJ Wildlife and installed by Sudlows teams whilst our work on the Cooling System Condenser Units was underway. The boxes were installed on the side of the building away from any clinical areas.
Julia Clarke, Director of Corporate Governance at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), said: “Swift numbers are declining severely, in part because of the loss of nest sites. I’m delighted we’re providing three swift boxes as part of our commitment to the local environment through our sustainability programme and would like to thank Sudlows and CJ Wildlife for their support.
“A survey by the Shropshire Swift Group last summer showed that there were swifts in the local area, so by putting up nest boxes we are hoping to provide a nesting site for returning first time breeders and therefore make a long-term contribution to the species’ conservation. Once established they are very site faithful and will return each year.”
Andy Hirst, Technical Director at Sudlows, said: “We are committed to providing a first class service for our customers and were delighted to have the opportunity to help support the RSH and SaTH sustainability programme.”