University of Birmingham

Case Study


Founded in 1900, the University of Birmingham represented a new model for higher education. Not only was it the first civic University in the UK, but was also the first in the country to be built in a campus arrangement.

The Brief

The University required an essential Blown Fibre upgrade across the Northern hub of the campus in order to provide the schools and departments with a reliable ‘always on’ high speed connection.

With six key locations around the University campus identified and fully surveyed, the Sudlows Connectivity team worked closely with the University project team to design the most resilient and cost effective routes.

The Installation

Sudlows engineers deployed over 6km of Blown Fibre tubes within the University’s own existing ducting system.

These Blown Fibre tubes follow an existing route between the selected key location sites and terminated at the main IT cabinet locations.

Once the Blown Fibre tubes had been installed, a 48 fibre stand Single Mode (SM) mini-cable was then blown through the tubes leaving one tube spare for future expansion.

Each fibre core was then spliced onto the Subscriber (SC) style connectors and housed within a 48 way high density (SC) patch panel.

The Conclusion

With the new fibre infrastructure operational, the University of Birmingham is now able to provide both the faculty departments and student services with an exceptionally resilient and flexible network that delivers high speed, large capacity, and most importantly, reliable connectivity.


Joe Cuthbert, Cabling Services Officer, at University of Birmingham commented that;
“The Connectivity team at Sudlows demonstrated a real understanding of how large educational institutions, such as ourselves, operate. Their technical experience was clearly evident on site and I was extremely impressed with both their project delivery and regular communication updates.”

Martin Marland, Operations Manager at Sudlows said;
“To create a truly flexible and scalable network, a Blown Fibre infrastructure is the perfect choice for any multi-campus environment, particularly those of a University.

“Throughout the UK we are seeing a growing demand for high bandwidth applications, especially within the educational sector. This means that high speed, high volume data can be transmitted through these large capacity optical networks. Blown Fibre is fast becoming the choice infrastructure for flexible network connectivity.

“Blown Fibre provides the University of Birmingham and its students with the most future proof solution; the fibres are easily added, removed or re-routed in consideration of the flexible and changing learning environment, student support services and student accommodation, whilst managing the impact of costs.”

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